Rediscover. Reunify. Rebuild.
The table is where civic leaders, cultural influencers, the church and marketplace leaders gather together to rediscover God’s plan for our cities, re-unify to become “one in Christ” and rebuild our cities. We hear Nehemiah’s declaration to “arise and build.” The City Table is where we discover God’s heart and power to transform our cities.
Start the Journey to bring transformation to your city.
At its core, a city is an ecosystem of relationships. Jesus has much to teach us in the 21st century about healing the interactive ecosystem that exists between government, culture, church, and marketplace leaders. We believe it starts with our own personal transformation, flows into our community of family and friends, and spreads into our workplace and neighborhoods. We need to have a Jesus Movement Mentality, where we see every area of life as an opportunity to display Jesus’ kingdom, His words, His works, and His way.
The CityTable Podcast
Books from CityTable
The CityTable Blog
Deeper Engagement
Reaching our cities begins with a three stage process: First, personal transformation begins with discovering your missional story and God's divine engagement in your leadership journey. Second, church transformation informs our engagement as God's "New Community," formed around the Table of the Lord. Third, city transformation begins as we trust the Lord to lay biblical kingdom foundations through the Greenhouse to reveal collaborative strategies for the transformation of our cities. The resource center becomes the visible expression of the family of God engaging the needs of the city together. Our process is to cultivate Greenhouse Learning Cohorts. City Tables are then established, and these tables form networks of collective partnership giving rise to city resource centers that deliver transformational impact to the city.
Personal Transformation
Story Lab
Discover your “voice” and co-author your missional story with God.
The Greenhouse
The Greenhouse
The Greenhouse incubates the seeds of the kingdom for city transformation.
The Table
The Table
The table becomes the setting to gather together, pray and learn the ways of the kingdom.
City Impact Training
Nehemiah's Wheel
Our transformational approach to City Impact Training for complex social problems.
City Transformation Centers
The Resource Center
A Collaborative space that restores the city ecosystem.
CityTable Community Platform
Mighty Networks
Bring your voice to our growing online learning community.
Prayerfully consider partnering with us through prayers and financial giving.
CityTable creates ecosystems where Civic, Cultural, Church, and Marketplace Leaders discover God’s new creation in Christ and his transforming power for people, churches and cities. These resources are a great first step to engage this journey.