
Nehemiah’s Wheel

Our transformational approach to City Impact Training for complex social problems.

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Nehemiahs Wheel is our model for city transformation. It shows our process to help form networks of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance social righteousness, and benefaction by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve systems level change. Major societal change requires the partnership of diverse organizations working together for good. The work of city transformation will require thoughtful design and faith filled collaboration. 

We are called to demonstrate the good news of God’s ability to redeem, reconcile and restore humanity to self, others, creation, and God. In all cases, whether in big or small ways, we are invited to advocate the cause of the marginalized and the oppressed and promote peace and justice in the land where we live.

  • Nehemiah took a once captive people who became free to bring human flourishing, and heaven to earth in the middle of the empire system.
  • Nehemiah took Eden’s mandate to “be fruitful and multiply as the norm for God’s people.
  • Nehemiah demonstrated how the “Shalom of God” is the stated goal of God’s people. We are to “seek for the things that brings peace and bring it to all the residents of the city.
Transformational Leadership will require working to mobilize all sectors of society to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem at scale. The city Table is available to help your organization, church, or city municipality to discover how Nehemiahs wheel can help you tackle the problems identified in your city.